Monday, July 15, 2024

Fire the Fox

Fire the fox

they fished all the fish from the sea
poached all the birds from the sky
just to furnish the mansion of some guy
now we stand in the wasteland
wondering what to do
well i've got an idea, in fact i've got a few
we should go into that mansion
fish out that guy
bind his hands and blindfold his eyes
talkin' revolution baby

little ruger rimfire tucked into my arm
but unless you're a fox my friend you won't come to any harm
but if you're a fox, you'd best be on your way
Get off my television, and don't come back today
it's not that i don't love you, not that i don't care
it's just that there's an order from the sambar to the hare 
and it rules everywhere

there is an order, an order and a plan
and whether or not you like it 
whether you understand
it'll smash you into splinters or raise you on its hand
i'll quarterise the mighty, and magnify the small
till everything is equal in the journal of the poet who sees it all

so if you're still waiting for justice to be served
the laws of space and time won't deliver your just deserts
and there is no reason
but there may be a rhyme
for the hands that shape the future are the poets' hands, like yours and mine