Tuesday, June 4, 2024

understated jesus

 I was parkin in the park

it was startin to get dark

so i thought i'd come and see you

so i jumped into reverse

and i drove over a bump

and i spilled my tea all over me

(that's why they say don't drink and drive)

you were standing on your step

and i stepped right up and kissed you

and you said "you'll never guess"

i said "what" you said "this is a dream"

if you feel

what you feel

then  it's real

and the needles' in the groove

and the plough is in its furrow

and the geese are on the wing

and the toad is in its burrow

and the fires' on my back

though my tea is getting cold

and the sugar on the bottom

like an insoluable problem

a sensation like it's over

as we pull over into

a pull over and you pull up your pullover

there's a light on on the dash

and it's saying that you're hot

so i guess we'd better pash

whether you've brushed your teeth or not!

if it's real

then you feel

that it's real

if you feel

that it's real

then it's real

you were walking on the trail

and though i was just a snail

i was tryin to catch you

but my boots filled up with slime

and i fell way, way behind

this shit happens all the time

when you're a snail

oh to be a gentle sailor

understanding all the breezes

like an understated Jesus

with a hankerchief for sneezes

and the cartridges are rolling

rolling rolling on the floor

and an autumn wind is blowing

blowing blowing in the door

demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQVz5xWpRro&ab_channel=muletonic