Friday, May 10, 2024


You once knew me

and I still know you

you are my bleeding

and I am you sinew

I have born you

you were churned from the milk of my oceans

where I grew you

you were within me

and I am still within you

born onto the shore

you have learned to walk

you have learned to run

you have learned to hurt me

you have left a velvet scar on my skin

you look me in the eye

as you stick your pick in

you mined me for gold

you mined me all night

we once fled together

out along the old road

you have tasted the water of my second mouth

it was just one lonely month

just a single pipette

you frown so darkly now

as you recite the alphabet

you were my best bastard friend

and now you want to forget

how many days

how many evenings

what is the juice of your mind

it has intoxicated my lung

forever together

eternally apart

your blood is a ribbon

where the earth began to part

I am a 

I am just a splash in your face

you tried me

you tried me again and again

to hit my darkest place

now we untangle

now we jerk apart

your fist is too frantic

mine is clutching your heart

lay us down now

lay us under the earth

we will make the mountains groan

we will reside in a city park

This poem features on my new EP: See it on Bandcamp